Organic Chemistry PDF Study Guide
Organic Chemistry Rapid Review StudyGuide
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The writers at are dedicated to providing usefull study materials that are easy to understand. That’s why we created the Organic Chemistry Rapid Review Study Guide, great for Organic Chemistry Midterms and Finals. We have taken all of the beginning topics of Organic Chemistry and have consolidated the important information into this concise, yet comprehensive Study Guide. This guide is infused with a tremendous amount of "high-yield" information. This means that in addition to providing all of the necessary facts and notes on each topic, we reveal all of the frequently tested key points that are favorites among university classroom exams and standardized exams alike. These are candidly pointed out to guide your studying to focus on the most popular test topics. In addition, we alert you of common student traps and pitfalls. Perhaps the most valuable of gems studded throughout our Study Guide are the tips and shortcuts that help students hone in on how to solve and critically think about organic chemistry. This simply can not be obtained by attempting to sift through the abyss of what most organic chemistry textbooks present.