Part Ten: Introduction to the Study of Orgo Reactions
Reaction Format
Organic chemistry reactions are typically presented in the following format:
Reactants or reagents are mixed together to form product(s).
Reactants and reagents are placed to the left and on top of an arrow which point to the product(s).
If certain reagents are added separately from one another in a particular sequence, then numbers are used to indicate the order in which they are added.
Reaction Mechanism and Intermediates
Most reactions occur over a span of multiple steps. This is commonly known as the reaction mechanism. The mechanism is written in a step-wise fashion using arrows to demonstrate where the electrons are going from step to step.
Each compound created along the way is known as a reaction intermediate.
Degree of Substitution in Alkanes
Carbon atoms in alkanes may be bonded to up to four other carbon atoms. We use the terms primary, secondary, and tertiary, quaternary to refer to the degree of substitution level that a given carbon has in a molecule.
This is important because the fate of how certain reactions proceed depends on these substitutions levels
To figure out the substitution level of any given carbon, follow these three easy steps:
Step #1: Pick a carbon
Step #2: Count how many carbons are directly attached to it. Other elements such as hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen etc. don't count.
Step #3: Give it a label:
Primary= a carbon attached to only one other carbon
Secondary= a carbon attached to only two other carbon
Tertiary = a carbon attached to only three other carbon
Quaternary = a carbon attached to only four other carbon
In the following example, the carbons are color-coded to highlight their degree of substitution:
Bear in mind that hydrogens attached to a given carbon also take on the labels as described in step #3 above:
Primary = a hydrogen on a carbon attached to only one other carbon
Secondary = a hydrogen on a carbon attached to only two other carbons
Tertiary = a hydrogen on a carbon attached to three other carbons
Degree of Substitution in Alkenes
Carbon atoms on either side of a double bond may each bond up to two other carbons
The more carbons attached to the double bond, the more highly substituted the alkene is
This is important because the fate of how certain reactions proceed depends on these substitutions levels. Also a certain degree of substitution may be favored in certain reaction products.
Allylic position
Definition: The position immediately next to a double bond
This is important because this position is typically favored by certain reactive intermediates
Reaction Intermediates
Typically electrons come in pairs. However there are unpaired electrons known as radical electrons. These are usually just called radicals.
Radical stability
Radicals prefer a greater degree of alkyl substitution. Even more so, radicals prefer to be in the allylic position. Therefore here is the hierarchy of radical intermediate stability:
Carbocations serve as electrophiles in reactions. They will attract electrons easily as the carbon is deficient in electrons.
Carbocation stability
Carbocations prefer a greater degree of alkyl substitution. Even more so, carbocations prefer to be in the allylic position. Therefore here is the hierarchy of carbocation intermediate stability:
Carbanions serve as nucleophiles in reactions. They will donate electrons easily as the carbon has excess electrons.
Carbanion stability
Carbanions prefer a lesser degree of alkyl substitution. Even more so, carbanions prefer to be in the allylic position. Therefore here is the hierarchy of carbanion intermediate stability: