Archive for the "Q and A" Category

Preparing for Organic Chemistry This Fall

Posted on August 5th, 2017

One of the questions we are repeatedly asked at StudyOrgo is “how do I to get ahead in organic chemistry this fall semester?” Many of you have heard that organic chemistry is a brutal class that does little but to depress your GPA. While it is true that this course is challenging, we here at StudyOrgo are devoted to helping you get the “A” you deserve!

Organic chemistry gets a bad name because it assumes that you are experts with regards to all of the general chemistry from freshman year, and you are now responsible to know it!  As an analogy, think of your chemistry courses as a pyramid to reaching your degree goals.  Organic chemistry is directly placed in the middle of the pyramid, it will be very important not only for the MCAT or DAT exams, but also for future advanced courses.  Organic chemistry is supported by General Chemistry, which is why you took it last year.  Fortunately, StudyOrgo is placed in the center of your pyramid base and we are here to help all of your organic chemistry questions.  Our simple and clear-cut explanations of reaction mechanisms and concepts will easily help you with anything you might struggle with this semester.  Here are a few tips on how to prepare today for the course this Fall.

chemistry pyramid

  • Open your text book –Read the title and abstract on the first page of each chapter and check out the number of pages. It will give you a very quick idea of what you will be learning about in each chapter and how much material you will be covering.
  • Look at a syllabus – Remember, your syllabus is an official contract between you and the professor. They must disclose what you are required to learn and how you will be graded. Professors can remove requirements but cannot easily add them. Use this to your advantage! Highlight the contents or reactions of the book that will be required and use this to focus your attention on while studying over the semester.
  • Schedule your studying! – Now that you know where the book is and a rough idea of what you are responsible for learning from the syllabus, take a calendar and divide the time you have to each test by the number of chapters. Schedule 2-3 hours a week to study and DON’T SKIP OR RESCHEDULE. Think of it as a doctor or dentist appointment – you just have to do it! Also, if you plan your studying ahead, you will be less likely to schedule something that gets in the way because you will already have penciled it in! Use your Smartphone calendar to send you alerts and reminders for your studying appointment.
  • Read ahead – If you have time this summer, read at least two chapters to get yourself ahead of the class. Don’t try to understand everything, just pay attention to the words used and the ideas. This will allow you to pay more attention and ask questions about the details in class instead of scrambling to write down notes and drawings.
  • Sign up with StudyOrgo – The Editors at StudyOrgo have spent numerous hours reviewing and preparing the material in the most crystal-clear and “get-to-the-point” manner as possible. We consult students and ask for their opinion on whether they understand the material as presented. We provide quick descriptions and in-depth mechanism explanations. Many of our reaction have multiple examples, so you can learn and then quiz yourself in our website! For the student on-the-go, we have also developed a mobile app (iOS and Android) provides all the functionality of the website! All of these benefits are included in your StudyOrgo membership!

With a little time management and help from StudyOrgo, you will have no trouble getting an “A” in Organic Chemistry this year!

I’m trying to figure out if it is an enantiomer, diastereomers, structural isomer, or meso compound.

Posted on March 7th, 2017

“I have two compounds that have the same substituents but they arranged different, I’m trying to figure out if it is an enantiomer, diastereomers, structural isomer, or meso compound.”

Here at StudyOrgo, we frequently get questions about topics in organic chemistry that are usually quickly covered, poorly described or expected that you know from previous courses.  These concepts are really important to understanding the more complex topics to come.  In this article, we will cover the concepts of stereochemistry to review the basics and look at some specific examples.  This is just a preview of the detailed topics and materials available with your membership to  Sign up today!

Structural isomers, or constitutional isomers, are molecules with the same chemical formula but different connectivity, they literally do not look alike.

Stereoisomers refer to molecules with the same chemical formula (i.e. same number of atoms) and geometrical arrangement (i.e. same connectivity) that are not superimposable on each other.  They frequently will be described as “R” or “S” configuration


For a carbon center (referred to as a stereocenter), this requires bonding to four different substituents!  If they are mirror images, they are enantiomers.  If they are not mirror images, then they are diastereomers.  Remember, you can use R and S configuration can help distinguish this.  R,R would be the enantiomer of S,S.  But both R, S and S,R are the diastereomers of R,R.

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Compounds that contain stereocenters but have a plane of symmetry across them (such that they have a mirror image of itself somewhere) are referred to as meso compounds. Take a look at tartaric acid, it has two stereocenters but the blue box represents an axis of symmetry that makes the compound meso.



The usefulness of this is that proteins (the drug targets) are also chiral, so they need chiral drugs to affect them.  If the compounds are not chiral, they will not interact with the proteins correctly.  For synthesis, if the compounds are not chiral, they will not rotate plane polarized light, and will be called “optically inactive”.

A few tips:

  1. If you only have one stereocenter then the non-superimposable, mirror image of the compound is the enantiomer.
  2. In order to have diastereomers, you need more than one stereocenter.  Sugars (saccharides) are the best example of this.  Look at glucose, it has 4 stereocenters.  The mirror image is the exact opposite configuration, so there is only one enanantiomer for glucose, but there are 7 diastereomers!
  3. Use the chart above to help you with R & S nomenclature and how that relates to enantiomers and diastereomers, this is how you will frequently encounter them after the first exam.
  4. Look for planes of symmetry to identify meso compounds.

Preparation Tips for Spring Semester Organic Chemistry

Posted on January 17th, 2016


Going into the spring semester, you might feel like you know what Orgo 2 will be like.  However, the second semester of organic chemistry has a very fast pace, anywhere between 50-100 reactions will be presented. You’ll be responsible for all of them!  Sign up with StudyOrgo today to help you get all of your reactions mechanisms and descriptions instantly!

  • Read ahead – The first week of Orgo2, read two chapters to get yourself ahead of the class. Don’t try to understand everything, just read the text and try to understand the big ideas. This will completely change the way you pay attention in class and allow you to spend more attention and ask questions about the details in class instead of scrambling to write down notes and drawings.
  • Attempt ALL homework problems – When tutoring students, they are often intimidated when we ask them to try sample problems.  But after a few examples, every student does them better and better with each new problem.  Some students have even made comments such as ‘why didn’t I do this sooner?’  We were at StudyOrgo agree!  It takes a lot of time, but practicing the problems will make it easier for the quizzes and tests.
  • Look at a syllabus – Remember, your syllabus is an official contract between you and the professor. Professors are required to disclose what you are required to learn and what grading rubric will be used. Professors can usually remove requirements (to the delight of the students!) but cannot easily add them. Use this to your advantage! Highlight the contents or reactions of the book that will be required and use this to focus your attention when studying this semester.
  • Schedule your studying! – Now that you know where the book is and a rough idea of what you are responsible for learning from the syllabus, take a calendar and divide the time you have to each test by the number of chapters. Schedule 2-3 hours a week to study and DON’T SKIP OR RESCHEDULE. Use your Smartphone calendar to send you alerts and reminders for your studying appointment.
  • Sign up with StudyOrgo – The Editors at StudyOrgo have compiled detailed mechanisms and description of over 175 reactions in the most crystal-clear and “get-to-the-point” format possible.  Many of our reaction have multiple examples, so you can learn and then quiz yourself in our website! For the student on-the-go, we have also developed a mobile app (iOS and Android) provides all the functionality of the website! All of these benefits are included in your StudyOrgo membership!

With good time management and help from StudyOrgo, you can earn a top grade in your Orgo 2 class this semester!


If I use this website rigorously and study is there a possibility to pass the class?

Posted on November 10th, 2015

Q:     “I stumbled upon this website pretty late in the game and really what I wanted to know is if it’s worth it? Not that I won’t learn the material I just mean I have two exams left in the semester and I really can’t fail this class…I have no option. Basically my question is; if I use this website rigorously and study is there a possibility to pass the class?”  “Have you seen scenarios like this before?”

A:     Thanks to the student for bringing up this question.  The editors at StudyOrgo have over 30 years of combined experience tutoring organic chemistry, so you can believe us when we say we know what we’re talking about.

fbadAs tutors, students come to us in exactly this situation.  These students devoted hours upon hours of studying time to this class only to be confronted with a failing grade on the exams and midterms. Firstly, you must believe you CERTAINLY can pass the course. We here at StudyOrgo are here to tell you, from experience, that it is not too late!  I have personally seen individuals come from a failing grade to passing the course with just a few weeks left until the Final exam. It can be done! Even if you received poor exam scores previously, there is still time!  Secondly, and most importantly, you must understand you have struggled because of HOW you have studied. We have posted a number of blog articles outlining strategies for studying for the semester and tips for when you have the “hard professors” teaching your course.

Another important realization is how you got in this situation. The answer is usually one of two reasons; 1) you have missed some important concepts covered early in the semester, likely before you realized how hard this class was going to be or 2) you came into organic chemistry without a strong understanding of general chemistry. Organic chemistry is like a pyramid, the material covered from previous courses and early Orgo1 in the course (i.e. VESPR theory, hybridized orbitals, Newman projections, pKa, etc.) are critical for success in the class because not only are they tested heavily in the first half of Orgo1, they keep appearing the second half and all through Orgo2!  So it becomes a downward spiral once you are missing key concepts and this is the reason for continuous struggle.  But this can be fixed!

The Editors at StudyOrgo have compiled all of the materials necessary for getting the best possible grade in organic chemistry. We have also distilled the information down to simple, easy to read concepts and we presented it in a clear format. We have also designed a quiz-mode for our content so as you are learning, you can check your understanding in a flash-card style to help build you memory.  We have over 170 reactions commonly covered in both semesters, so be assured we have everything you need here at StudyOrgo to help get you the best possible grade.  We even have a mobile app so you can view our content on the go to maximize your studying potential.

Remember, we’re here to tell you it is not too late and StudyOrgo is here to help you with your organic chemistry needs!

Free Radical Halogenation

Posted on September 22nd, 2015

Another common mechanism that is covered in the first weeks of organic chemistry is the free radical halogenation of alkanes.  This mechanism utilizes the homolytic cleavage (one electron per atom) property of halogens when exposed to heat or ionizing radiation (i.e. hv), which is a popular mechanism for future reactions in the course.  Radical halogens can extract the proton from a C-H bond to produce the corresponding acid and generate a radical carbon center.  In this article we will discuss all of the tips and tricks to getting an ‘A’ on your racical halogenation questions.  Sign up with StudyOrgo today for more in-depth mechanism coverage and answers to all of your organic chemistry questions!

Generating a radical halogen: there are THREE critical steps to free radical reactions.

1) Initiation: The Br2 single bond is broken by high energy ligh (hv) to form radicals placing one electron on each atom.

halogen 1

2) Propagation: (Hint: One radical reacts with a single bond to form another radical, thus propagating the radical species to drive the reaction forward.

  1. a) Radical Br abstracts one hydrogen from a C-H bond in propane to form radical propane and HBr.
    halogen 2
  2. b) Radical propane asbracts one Br from Br2 to form the bromoalkane and radical Br, thus restoring the reactants for another round as shown in step 2a.halogen 3

3) Termination: Any two radicals combine to form a single bond.  These species will be in low abundance. Hint: Radicals are destroyed by combining two radicals to form a single bond.  This eliminates the radical necessary for radical alkane formation (green boxes) as shown in step 2a and ends the reaction.

halogen 4

Regioselectivity: How to determine the major product

Radical bromination will always replace the C-H bond on the MOST substituted carbon center because the stability of the radical intermediate is higher with increasing substituents on the carbon center.

This selectivity is the same, but a weaker consideration, for radical chlorination which obeys Hammond’s Postulate, which says that stability of the radical center is outweighed by the extreme exothermicity of radical chlorination (compared to bromination), thus a mixture of chlorinated products is observed.

halogen 5

Stereoselectivity – How to determine the stereochemistry of carbon centers

Radial intermediates (step 2a product) produce a sp2-like hybridization orbital with the lone electron in the vacant 2p orbital, therfore attack of the radical electron on the C-H bond can take place from either side of the molecule.  The result will always produce a racemic mixture (or equal amount) of the two enantiomers.

halogen 6