It’s pretty late in the game and I have failed my last two exams. Is there any hope of understanding before the final?

Posted on April 15th, 2014

Many past organic chemistry students have asked themselves this question. The statement subtly asks two questions that require two different answers, neither of which have to do with faith and everything to do with strategy. The first query “late in the game” likely refers to the reader’s expectation of successfully passing the course with the exams remaining. This is probably the true motive for concern. Failing two tests is demoralizing but does not make it impossible to receive a passing grade in the course. If this is your concern, the best advice is confront the situation directly and to clearly communicate with your course instructor. Since he or she is the person, in fact, who will issue you the grade and not this author, only they can comment on the feasibility of passing. However, you can control your strategy. If you cannot receive a passing grade, audit or withdraw from the course, but whatever you do, DO NOT stop attending lectures and keeping up with homework. It may sound like a worthless effort but remember: you may have ‘lost the battle’ this time around, but you WILL ‘win the war’ the second time with perseverance and expert help.

If you can pass or have headed advice to retake organic chemistry, we move to the second query of “understanding before the final.” The short answer is, yes you can! This is where your strategy now turns to tackling the material in a systematic approach. Learning organic chemistry, and most sciences for that matter, is like building like a pyramid; the top will fall without a strong base. Remember those homework questions your professor assigned? Go back to Chapter 1 and complete every one and DO NOT STOP until you can answer every one! I know, you are one week away from the exam and you don’t have time to go back, right? Absolutely wrong! You failed the last two exams right? Remember: you can’t move forward without solidifying the material you missed in the past. As a T.A. with over 8 years of experience, I estimate 70-90% of the tests are modeled after questions assigned from instructors based on homework and in-class problems. If you only mastered these problems and nothing else, you have already passed the test!!!

If you are crunched for time, set a series of achievable goals to reach. Divide your time over how many chapters of material you have and this will give yourself a deadline to complete the material. Check out the solution manual for your text book from the local library and try as many problems as you can on the material you find most difficult. Once you reach your deadline, reward yourself! Grab your favorite beverage or food and recharge yourself before the tackling the next goal. After a few successful sessions of material review, you WILL be shocked at how your understanding has dramatically improved. Only at this point will you be ready to take on the material on the final but unlike the last two tests, you won’t feel overwhelmed because you are ready.

For some students, self-instruction is a too large a leap in faith. These students need assurance they are on the right track. Fortunately such a person has many resources at their disposal, the best of which is professional help from private and website tutoring. is devoted to customizing the presentation of difficult concepts in organic chemistry into an easy to understand format with a step-by-step breakdown and description of common reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry. With your determination and a successful strategy, I assure you will live through the experience of organic chemistry!

Do You Guys Have Any Information on Synthesis?

Posted on April 11th, 2014

Here is a question we got from one of our students:


Do you guys have any information on synthesis?


Dear Student,

Thank you for your inquiry to We definitely cover synthesis problems. In fact, the entire premise of our site is to prepare students for multi-step synthesis problems. Here is how you can use to prepare for synthesis problems:

1) Read/Study all of the flashcard information presented in our “Study Mode’

2) Create custom quizzes in “Quiz Mode”- this is the opportunity to learn the reactions backwards and forwards. This is how you should prepare for synthesis. This mode gives you the opportunity to be tested on any part of a reaction.

3) Use the “Reaction Roadmap” to keep track of how to use/make a particular functional group. For example, if your synthesis problem involves preparing an alkene, review all the various reactions that “give you” an alkene.

Additionally, I would be more than happy to walk you through this process in more detail so you can see how effective our site is for synthesis problems. Call me anytime.


Chief Educator

Free Radical Halogenation

Posted on February 21st, 2014

Hey Guys!

Want to learn Free Radical Halogenation but feel that your textbook is just too darn boring? Or maybe your more of a visual learner?

Check out our latest video on Free Radical Halogenation and stay tuned for more videos in our Reaction Video Series.

Here you go!


Orgo Dan

Testimonial From One Of Our Students

Posted on January 21st, 2014

Q1: What is your full name?
  • Melissa B.
Q2: What college or university do you attend?
  • Pace Universtiy
Q3: Why are you taking Organic Chemistry? (In essence, what career are you in/entering for which you are taking Organic Chemistry? Pre-med, pre-dental, nursing, nutrition, engineering etc.)
  • Pre-Occupational Therapy
Q4: Please rate your experience with
  • Five Star – Excellent!
Q5: Please tell us what you liked about your experience (please be detailed):
  • The reaction maps were helpful. The examples in general were helpful because they were similar to what the classwork was like.
Q6: Please tell us if there is anything we can improve on (please be detailed):
  • Respondent skipped this question
Q7: Would you recommend to your friends and family?

What is the best site for learning organic chemistry?

Posted on January 5th, 2014

This is a very common question that comes up. These days, studying organic chemistry is transitioning from textbooks and paper flashcards to web-based materials. While going to class and reading your textbook is important, the use of additional online programs is becoming increasingly more popular. Paring a web-based preparatory program with your classroom instruction can really enhance your learning and understanding of the material and consequently yield a higher grade in the course and on important pre-professional standardized exams.

Here are some important characteristics to look for when choosing what online program to use:


  • User-friendly: Consider a program with high-end graphics and images, a polished interface with easy to use functions. This will help remove the time that is often wasted trying to learn how to use a program and allows the student to jump right in to studying.


  • Comprehensiveness and completeness: You will want a program that has all the information you need and none of the stuff you don’t need to know. For example, when studying reactions, look for programs that include, a clear reaction name, reaction category, simplified reaction, important hints and notes and a well written, detailed, step-wise reaction mechanism.

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  • Use of helpful hints and tips:  Look for a program that will allow you to study the least information possible, in the shortest amount of time while still earning high grades. Most people taking organic chemistry are taking the course with a passion to enter a field, which tags organic chemistry as a requisite course, and are not planning on organic chemistry careers. Therefore be sure to use a study program that is written that way. In essence choose a program that offers “high-yield information.” This means that the site provides all of the necessary facts and notes on each reaction while revealing all of the frequently tested key points that are favorites among university classroom exams and standardized exams alike.

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  • Practice makes perfect! Look for a program that offers a high-customizable quiz function where you can create your own quizzes to test your knowledge. Many programs offer cookie-cutter pre made quizzes and flashcards that don’t apply to what you are learning! Choose a program that lends you the ability to have a say in practicing what you are learning.


All of these characteristics are deeply embedded into the fabric that is is the ideal online Organic Chemsitry learning program and can take you by the hand to teach you Organic Chemistry in the shortest time possible while yielding excellent results. We are so confident in our program that we offer a guarantee like no other. We guarantee you will pass! While many students are happy with just passing this course, most of the students that we have feedback from, have excelled to be in the top of their class.

So go ahead and Sign-Up today!

Happy Studying!